Below is a index of terms commonly seen on Vortex Markets
Market Info
Mark Price
Price of the asset on Vortex
Oracle Price
Price of the underlying asset
Funding Rate
1/24 the average premium paid every hour. If +, longs pay shorts. If -, shorts pay longs. See Funding Rates for more info
Open Interest
Total size of all positions (Long and short) in the market
300 ATOM
24h Volume
Total volume traded in past day in the market
Position Terms
A base/quote asset pair
The position’s bet on price change
The position’s base asset value
3.5 ATOM
The position’s quote asset value
Entry Price
Average price paid (cost basis) for acquiring the position
Exit Price
Average price realized if closing the entire position
Liquidation Price
Soft estimate of price where liquidation of account will occur
P&L (Profit and Loss)
Profit and/or Loss of position Calculated on difference between exit price and entry price
Exit Price - Entry Price $2 (following the above example)
Margin Call
Leverage is larger than the inverse of margin requirement ratio. (Position may be liquidated)
Trader receives a warning that collateral ratio is too low. If unresolved, position and collateral may be liquidated.
User Account Terms
Total Collateral
The total USD value of collateral (Account Balance +/- Unrealized P&L)
Unrealized P&L
Sum of Unrealized P&L in all open positions
Unrealized Funding P&L
Unrealized amount collected/paid for funding payments. (Automatically realized upon a new user action)
Free Collateral
The value of collateral that can be used to open new risk-increasing positions
Total Notional Position Size/ Total Collateral
Margin Ratio
Total Collateral/ Total Notional Position Size
Margin Debt
For a long position is the amount of cash borrowed to open the position, for a short position is the proceed from the short sale
Portfolio Equity
The sum of equities of all components in the portfolio: Balances, Long & Short Positions, Open Orders
Last updated